Category Archives: number sense

Counting Down From Twenty Song

Counting Down From Twenty Song, Counting Down Song, Counting Song, Counting Down From Ten Song, Count Down, Count Down Song

Just when you thought it was safe to start reading this blog again, I go and make ANOTHER math song post. I won’t write a rhyme though. It seems straightforward and simple, but counting backward is a difficult skill for most kids. It’s nearly as hard as saying your alphabet backwards, which many adults struggle with. This song from have fun teaching’s musical genius puts that skill into a couple minute routine to practice. Give it a try!

have fun teaching

have fun teaching

Counting Down From Twenty Song

Counting By Elevens Song

Counting By Elevens Song, Counting By Eleven Song, Count By Elevens Song, Count By Eleven Song, Counting By 11 Song, Counting By 11s Song, Counting By 11’s Song

Only one more! We’re on eleven. Read this and then flee to have fun teaching’s great song catalog.

Little Johnny had no idea about eleven.
But his teacher said it was merely four and seven!
Oh, said Johnny with a smile for Ms. Blevin,
I guess I do know eleven!

have fun teaching

have fun teaching

Counting By Elevens Song

Counting By Tens Song

Counting By Tens Song, Counting By Ten Song, Count By Tens Song, Count By Ten Song, Counting By 10 Song, Counting By 10s Song, Counting By 10’s Song

We’re almost done? I can’t believe these have gone by so fast. I know you’ll miss the silliness when it’s all gone. So the number ten, is it? I’m sure have fun teaching put that number to a fancy beat. Check it out after you read my rhyme…

Ten monks sat in perfect zen.
Ten artists inscribed them with pen.
Ten cameras snapped shots of them all just then!

have fun teaching

have fun teaching

Counting By Tens Song

Inequalities Worksheets

Inequalities Worksheets, Inequalities Worksheet, Free Inequalities Worksheets, Inequality Worksheets, Inequality Worksheet, Inequalities Activities, Inequalities Printables

Compare the numbers, and the alligator eats the bigger number, right? Well, it’s not if you don’t have good number sense. Practice inequalities with these cute worksheets that can be a great send-home piece of work for kids to do with their parents. Again, counters like marbles, skittles, peanuts, or bingo chips make great teaching aids for this sort of stuff.

have fun teaching

have fun teaching

Inequalities Worksheets

Counting Worksheets

Counting Worksheets, Counting Worksheet, Free Counting Worksheets, Math Counting Worksheets, Counting Activities, Counting Printables, Number Worksheets, Numbers Worksheets, Number Worksheet

Counting is such a keystone skill it’s not even funny. Try doing multiplication or addition when you count 1, 2, 7. Get on it ladies and gentlemen, and have those kids counting to a billionĀ (or thereabouts)! The more the merrier, the higher the better. Practice skip counting by multiples, too. You wouldn’t believe how much that helps when it comes time for multiplication.

have fun teaching

have fun teaching

Counting Worksheets